Tuesday 26 April 2011

Back to reality!

Our final morning was spent having breakfast in Denney's and then lazing around the pool. The weather was gorgeous and the pool heated so it was a really pleasant way to spend a few hours before going for our check-in.
We had a last 'dipped icecream' from McDonalds too...fab! Nigel reckons they are the best thing in America!
Our trip home, although very long, was uneventful and pretty straight forward. We arrived back in old Blighty rather tired and not altogether pleased to be home ..just yet! Fortunately the weather has been super so it wasn't such a shock to the system and it was lovely to see our boys and the family.
The jet lag took a few days to wear off which was a bit of a drag but we are at last getting back into the swing of home life. Poor Nigel had to go back to work this week which was really difficult, but the fun can't last forever I suppose!
People ask us what was the best bit and it is impossible to say. The Grand Canyon was certainly up near the top, but then there was the baseball game, rodeo, Tombstone and Tucson, our ride across the bandit ridden mountains, the Meteor crater, the beautiful beaches, the airboat ride, the wonderful scenery, the people we met.....as I say it was all wonderful!
How we will ever top this for a holiday I am not sure, it certainly was a trip of a lifetime and I am very proud of my hubby and all the effort he put into making so wonderful for me...Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a fab time sweetie, but its oh! so good to have you home xx
