Sunday 31 October 2010

The Route

The route will be dictated by the weather therefore we will stay as low as possible to keep the warmth.
Starting from Orlando we will head for the Atlantic coast for Daytona.
From there we head up the Atlantic highway to Jacksonville and then across the Gulf of Mexico.
The route should take us through:
  • Florida                                       
  • Georgia
  • Alabama
  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
  • Texas
  • New Mexico
  • Arizona
  • Nevada
  • California
Finishing at Los Angeles.
Estimated 3600miles.

A wife's point of view!

Hmm Where to start!

I have to say when  the trip was first mentioned I jumped at it as it sounded like a super idea, then of course the practicalities of being away for over a month dawned on me!

How would the lads manage? Who would look after Fever (my horse)? What if the grannies or granddads took poorly? How would I get a month off work? How would my poor broken coccyx cope with five weeks in the saddle? etc etc etc

Of course many of these problems remain yet to be solved, apart form the work issue as I resigned earlier this year, but I am sure resolved they will be.

This is the holiday of a lifetime for us all and, because life occasionally throws us a curve ball, one I think that we need to grab with both hands.

So here is to our adventure...pass me a cushion for my bum please!

The Story Begins

I blame Greame for this as I'm sure Amanda does.
Over a year and a half ago he came up with a daft idea for us to ride across America on Harley Davidson’s.
As I'd just passed my bike test I thought it would be a good challenge so was up for it from the beginning.
Selling the idea to Amanda was easier than expected, I think she thought it was one of those daft ideas that would come to nothing.
So after putting the word about for anyone daft enough to come along we had eight people up for it.

Nigel, Amanda, Graeme, Sandra, Des, Pat, Martin & Rachelle.

After much research we found Hadrian Harley Tours did a great deal on bike hire from Orlando to Los Angeles. We went for a quick sit on them to see which model we fancied and the deal was done on a four week hire of an Electra glide.

The flights are booked and we are now looking forward to getting there March 2011.