Thursday 24 March 2011

The Alamo

Today we went to the Alamo, seemed strange that it was in the middle of such a big city but it was very pretty none the less. We also had a ride in a 'barge' (Nigel was adament it was NOT a boat) along a 'man made canal' (again Nigel insisted it was NOT a river like the man kept saying)
We also had a tram ride so all in all a busy but wonderful day.
We briefly caught sight of Pat, Des, Martin & Rachel but then they were gone again. Hopefully they will have some interesting things to put on the blog when they get touch with us.


  1. How good is this eh! This would be the news of the day for Grandad William
    Great pics xx Glad you look a little better xxxxx M

  2. :) I feel a bit ignorant of the history to be honest which is a shame. I shall be doing some research when I get home! xx
